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Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Course Details
Program Description

Mechanical Engineering is a profession that concerns itself with mechanical design, energy conversion, fuel and combustion technologies, heat transfer, materials, noise control and acoustics, manufacturing processes, rail transportation, automatic control, product safety and reliability, solar energy, and technological impacts to society. Mechanical engineers study the behavior of materials when forces are applied to them, such as the motion of solids, liquids, gases, and heating and cooling of object and machines. Using these basic building blocks, mechanical engineers design space vehicles, computers, power plants, intelligent machines and robots, automobiles, trains, airplanes, furnaces, and air - conditioners. Mechanical engineers work on jet engine design, submarines, hot air balloons, textiles and new materials, medical and hospital equipment, and refrigerators, and other home appliances. Anything that is mechanical or must interact with another machine or human being is within the broad scope of mechanical engineering.

The scope of the practice of Mechanical Engineering is defined in the Mechanical Engineering Law of 1998 or R.A. 8495 and pertains to professional services to industrial plants in terms of: consultation requiring mechanical engineering knowledge, skill and proficiency; investigation; estimation and or valuation; planning, preparation of feasibility studies; designing; preparation of specifications; supervision of installation; operation including quality management, research, and among others. The teaching, lecturing and reviewing of a professional mechanical engineering subjects in the curriculum of the BSME degree or a subject in the Mechanical Engineering licensure examination given in any school, college, university or any other educational institution is also considered as practice of Mechanical Engineering.

Program Goals

By the time of graduation, the students of the program shall have the ability to:

  1. Apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve complex mechanical engineering problems.

  2. Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.

  3. Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints, in accordance with standards.

  4. Function in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams.

  5. Identify, formulate, complex and solve mechanical engineering problems.

  6. Understand professional and ethical responsibility.

  7. Communicate effectively.

  8. Understand the impact of mechanical engineering solutions ni a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.

  9. Recognize the need for, and engage ni life-long learning.

  10. Know contemporary issues.

  11. Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for mechanical engineering practice.

  12. Know and understand engineering and management principles as a member and leader of a team, and ot manage projects ni a multidisciplinary environment.

Graduate Attributes
  1. Globally Competent and Skilled Engineers.

  2. Technologically adaptive to new technologies and evolving standards.

  3. Expert in applying engineering practices to ethically tackle and give solutions to environmental and social challenges.

Program Outcomes

A graduate of Straight Engineering Program must attain:

  1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences, engineering sciences to the practice of engineering.

  2. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.

  3. An ability to design, build and improve, and install systems or processes which meet desired needs within realistic constraints.

  4. Practice, recognize, formulate, and solve engineering problems.

  5. Communicate effectively in writing, speaking and presenting using technically- appropriate language.

  6. An ability to work effectively in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.

  7. An understanding of the effects and impact of technical and engineering projects on nature and society and of engineers’ social and ethical responsibilities.

  8. Conduct research on specialized engineering knowledge in each applicable field, and the ability to apply such knowledge to provide solutions to actual problems.

  9. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in engineering and technology.

  10. Demonstrate appropriate techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for the practice of engineering.

  11. Provide knowledge of contemporary issues.

Program Educational Objectives

Graduates of the Program are expected to:

  1. Achieve technical expertise and professionalism in the practice of engineering.

  2. Engage in progressive leadership in research and development studies for sustainable development.

  3. Engage in lifelong learning activities relevant to current and projected developments in the field of engineering.