Library Services

The Library provides the following services to its stakeholders:

  1. PUBLIC RELATION is the process of bringing information to the academic community about the LRC functions, and policies, and the implementation of these functions, policies and procedures to the public. It aims
    -To inform about the LRC’s programs, services and resources.
    -To communicate each potential LRC customer or customer group the features of the LRC’s program most potential to their interest.
  2. ORIENTATION TO LRC given to all First Year students during the first term of the school year. It covers discussion of LRC rules and regulations, LRC policies and procedures, introduction of the organizational set up and personnel of the LRC, application of TUPT School ID and introduction of the LRC sections and services. This is handled by the librarians.
  3. REFERRAL LETTER TUP Taguig students, faculty and staff who wish to go to other libraries/institutions to supplement their research should secure a referral letter from the librarian.
    4.1 Cataloguing and Classification
    This is made to be able to implement an efficient and professional method of organizing library information resources in all formats, in compliance with professional cataloguing practices and standards.

         4.1.1 Accessing Number
         4.1.2 Bibliographic Description and Access Point
         4.1.3 Subject Headings
         4.1.4 Classification
         4.1.5 Online Catalog
         4.1.6 Technical Processing